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2009 Rd.8 Rally Poland


コメントなんぞ 拾ってきた
ロウブ “I try to push. I have a good feeling but there are a lot of ruts. Mikko drives very fast.”
ソルド “I can think about competing with Jari-Matti but Mikko is too fast for us now.”

ミッコ “I have no problems. Everything is fine and I am pushing hard.”
みんなが 速過ぎ って言ってますYO
ラトバラ “Sometimes I lost control in the ruts and that is where I lost some time. I am not happy with that.”
おいおいおい もうボチボチ後がないんじゃね?←やらかしちゃったら

マシュー “We made some changes at service and now it’s better. It’s difficult to drive in ruts, but I’m happier.”
まだ セッティングを変更しちゃっているの?
ヘニング “I try to do the best job I can. I try to fight with Ogier.”

ノビコフ “I try to drive careful and I am enjoying it.”
坊ちゃん “I didn’t make any changes in the car, but I change something inside me and now it’s better.”

ペター “I’m attacking very hard. The tyres did a good job, but I can’t drive any faster.”
やはり エンジンっすか?

オジェ “We stopped (stalled) the engine two times on the stage. We will try to do better job on the next stage.”
この接近戦の時にエンジンが止まるのは 止めてよねぇ~ って感じでしょうか 冷静にね

マッド “It’s difficult to drive in these bad conditions on the road. I made a small mistake (right side of the car is damaged).”
彼女に怒られちゃったりして←ナニやってんの! みたいな←前戦でコドライバーを勤めて今回も会場に来ているそーだ

EU議員 “I don’t like this stage. It’s too soft and you must be careful with the throttle. But the next stages are better.”
そんなワガママいっちゃ だめだめぇ~~~ どのステージも最高だ くらい言っておかないと


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