« 2009 Rd.8 Rally Poland | トップページ | 2009 Rd.8 Rally Poland »


2009 Rd.8 Rally Poland


SS12 Gawliki 2 - 32.75 km
1 Sebastien Loeb (Citroen Total WRT) 17'21"1<どんだけぇ~~
2 Mikko Hirvonen (BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT) 17'27"0
3 Jari-Matti Latvala (BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT) 17'27"7
4 Daniel Sordo (Citroen Total WRT) 17'33"3<着いて行けなくなって来た?
5 Petter Solberg (Petter Solberg WRT) 17'35"7
6 Henning Solberg (Stobart M-Sport Ford RT)  17'38"3
7 Sebastien Ogier (Citroen Junior Team) 17'40"2
8 Evgeny Novikov(Citroen Junior Team) 17'41"8
9 Mad Ostberg (ADAPTA AS Subaru ImprezaWRC) 17'49"9
10 Krzyssztof Holowczyc(Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) 17'50"9
11 Matthew Wilson (Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) 17'53"7
12 Conrad Rautenbach (Citoen Junior Team) 18'07"8

1 Mikko Hirvonen (BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT) 2h06'12"7
2 Jari-Matti Latvala (BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT) +10"7
3 Daniel Sordo (Citroen Total WRT) +32"7(+22"0)
4 Sebastien Ogier (Citroen Junior Team) +01'54"4(+01'21"7)
5 Henning Solberg (Stobart M-Sport Ford RT)  +01'54"7(+00"3)←キタ━━━(°∀°)━━━!!
6 Petter Solberg (Petter Solberg WRT) +01'58"6(+03"9)←キタ━━━(°∀°)━━━!! 2
7 Matthew Wilson (Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) +03'25"1(+01'26"5)
8 Krzyssztof Holowczyc(Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) +03'51"6(+26"5)
9 Conrad Rautenbach (Citoen Junior Team) +04'51"4(+59"8)
10 Mad Ostberg (ADAPTA AS Subaru ImprezaWRC) +06'11"0(+01'19"6)

 Evgeny Novikov(Citroen Junior Team) +16'38"0
 Sebastien Loeb (Citroen Total WRT) +19'25"

ロウブ “I had a very good stage time but I have a very bad position overall. We just try to keep a good pace and we will see what we can do.”
ドライバーズのポイントは無理ですからねぇ マニュファクチャラーズ狙いでしょうか
ソルド “We are trying to go flat out, but it is very hard. In the morning the road conditions were to our advantage.”
午後はイマイチですね。ミッコとかにスプリットタイム ガン見されちゃっている系ですしねぇ

ミッコ “I am going as fast as I can. I can’t slow down. I saw the others’ times and they are going very fast as well. We are fighting all the way through.”
めっちゃ 速いよ つーかまるでチャンプみたいだよ 
ラトバラ “I am really driving like a mad man. I am absolutely flat out. You know the car is really good and fast. Sordo is really making life difficult…”
そこは 堪えてなんとかするのがYOUのお仕事ですね→ソルドを抑える

マシュー “It’s a bit better the second time. There’s been a massive battle between the guys, but they are just taking some serious risks.”
ポーランド 一人旅~~
ヘニング “So I’m slower than Ogier. Okay, then the short stage took a lot of time. We will see and we will try again.”
波があって キャッチし損ねていると弟にやられちゃうよ?

ノビコフ “There are very deep ruts. I was driving fast. I will try to push now.”
坊ちゃん Grass in the rear bumper. “We had a problem on the junction. We went too wide. We did a bit of road cutting in there. I overshot a junction and somehow we managed to get back on the road. I’m trying to get a better feeling with the car.”
つーかさぁ 今日 2回目ですよ? ナニやってんの ってブライト艦長に言われますよ<って言われねーよ

ペター “It was very good here. We also made some work on the engine and suspension. It’s better now. There’s a harder line now, so you get more speed. It’s not so loose a surface.”
エンジンはそうそう 良くならないだろうから サスペンションの煮詰めがキーでしょうか

オジェ “We are not in the good rhythm this afternoon. We will try to do a good last stage today. The stages are a bit rougher than this morning. I don’t know - not good for the moment.”

マッド “Its not so good. It’s a long and difficult stage and I cannot push the car. It is under steering a lot.”
そんなの インプレッサの特徴なのでは?→長いステージはダメ

EU議員 “I just cut some grass. Is there any damage? I was trying very hard at the end of the stage. It’s a fantastic stage. The car is a bit broken now, but still driveable.”


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