2009 Rd.8 Rally Poland
これで午前の部は終了ですが いきなりドラマが展開してます
SS4 Paprotki 1 - 33.17 km
1 Jari-Matti Latvala (BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT) 18'14"0
2 Mikko Hirvonen (BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT) 18'18"0
3 Daniel Sordo (Citroen Total WRT) 18'24"6
4 Andreas Mikkelsen (Skoda Fabia WRC) 18'36"9
5 Petter Solberg (Petter Solberg WRT) 18'39"4
6 Sebastien Ogier (Citroen Junior Team) 18'47"1
6 Mad Ostberg (ADAPTA AS Subaru ImprezaWRC) 18'47"1
8 Henning Solberg (Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) 18'48"6
9 Matthew Wilson (Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) 18'51"2
10 Conrad Rautenbach (Citoen Junior Team) 18'59"8
11 Evgeny Novikov(Citroen Junior Team) 19'02"4
12 Krzyssztof Holowczyc(Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) 19'17"7
1 Mikko Hirvonen (BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT) 32'19"5
2 Jari-Matti Latvala (BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT) +02"4<1UP
3 Daniel Sordo (Citroen Total WRT) +14"7(+12"3)<1UP
4 Andreas Mikkelsen (Skoda Fabia WRC) +34"1(+19"4)<2UP
5 Petter Solberg (Petter Solberg WRT) +40"0(+05"9)<2UP
6 Sebastien Ogier (Citroen Junior Team) +51"6(+11"6)<2UP
7 Henning Solberg (Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) +53"9(+02"3)<2UP
8 Matthew Wilson (Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) +58"6(+04"7)<3UP
9 Evgeny Novikov(Citroen Junior Team) +59"0(+00"4)<4DOWN
10 Conrad Rautenbach (Citoen Junior Team) +01'15"1(+16"1)<2UP
11 Krzyssztof Holowczyc(Stobart M-Sport Ford RT) +01'25"0(+09"9)<1DOWN
12 Mad Ostberg (ADAPTA AS Subaru ImprezaWRC) +01'49"3(+24"3)<1UP
ローブ クラッシュ ホイールが無くなって サスペンション ブロークン系
ミッコ セブの件を聞かれて→At 1,2km from the start, I saw Sebastien's car. He rolled, although the car didn't look too damaged.
ソルド I saw the car, this is very, very bad for us. But we have to focus on finishing now.
ラトバラ Seb probably hit a stump(切り株だって). There were a lot of stumps in this area, where he rolled.
明日はわが身ですYO つーか前は人の振りみた我が振り直せ系?
ヘニング I'm not happy with the car. It is the same car as in Greece. I'm struggling with the setup.
そうみたいやね まったくペースが上がりません
マシュー We lost some time in the narrow sections, but otherwise its so so fast.
とりあえず 完走ですね
ノビコフ I just had a big off at the end of the stage. We damaged the right front suspension and radiator
あちゃー やっちまったなぁ~ サービスまで戻れるカナ?
ミケルセン At the beginning it was really narrow. But the rest of the stage, there were soo many straights.
ここでアピールしておかないと 次が無いですからねぇ アピール出来たら次がある保障もないけどね
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