2009 Rd.8 Rally Poland
Car 1. LOEB/ELENA どうなることやら
Citroën team management confirmed that Sébastien had not seen the tree stump and he did not roll the car. A decision will be taken this afternoon whether he will continue on Saturday.
Car 2. HIRVONEN/LEHTINEN 今のところ 上手くいってますね。 安定感はバツグンですしね
Mikko was told via the radio about Loeb’s accident before he reached the point.
“It is fun and we are enjoying it,” Lehtinen. “It’s fast, like Finland, and we like it.”
Car 3. SORDO/MARTI 空気取り入れ口がイマイチなのカナ?→オーバーヒート
He rectified the earlier overheating problem by opening an air inlet and the car was fine after that.
Car 4. LATVALA/ANTTILA ラトバラのノートには切り株が載っているですって?! まあノートの精度を課題としていましたからね
“It was a big surprise for me to see Seb had gone off. He said that he did not see the stump, but we had it in our notes” Co-driver Miikka Anttila added: “It is so fast, it is actually difficult to keep up to speed with the notes on this rally. I suppose it is good practice for Finland. There are lots of spectators on the stages, but they are all well behaved and the traffic on the roads is not as bad as we thought it could be.”
“I hit a straw bale. The stage surfaces and the nature of the tracks changes so much, it is quite difficult to find a rhythm.”
Car 7. NOVIKOV/MOSCATT 間に合ったのカナ←制限時間内に修理
The team were not sure that he could reach the Mikolajki service after he broke a shock absorber on a jump in SS4. The Russian eventually replaced the damper in 47 minutes and is continuing
Car 11. SOLBERG/MILLS 警察に捕まったのカナ?警告だけ?
Cautioned by the police for a reported speeding incident on the road section. “I am driving flat out on these stages,” said Petter. “It is top gear stuff. At one point I was flat out for 10kms…!”
Cautioned by the police for a reported speeding incident on the road section.
Car 14. OSTBERG/ENGAN ラジエターが詰まっちゃう系ですか そりゃーオーバーヒートするわな
Removed grass from his radiator on one stage and lost time.
“The last stage was a hard one. I had a spin and had to restart the engine and lost a lot of time. We are still in one piece and this is important.”
“I am fourth? Really? I thought I was slow. The last stage was really narrow.”
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